LPPOA Dock Information
North Dock List South Dock ListRequesting Dock Space:
You are required to own property within the
LPPOA boundaries and be a member in good standing in order to be
considered for dock space. This includes payment of current dues,
late fees if applicable, and special assessments.
Any new dock tenants must pay a one-time fee of five hundred dollars
($500.00) within thirty (30) days of acceptance or occupation of any
dock space provided by the LPPOA dock chairman.
Maintaining Your Dock Space:
In order to reserve a dock space from year to year, MEMBERS MUST PAY DUES AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS BY MARCH 1st of the current year, or the docking space will be assigned to the first member in good standing on the waiting list. If any dock is not in compliance with these regulations it will be removed and placed in storage at the owner's expense. The owners will have 60 days, from the date of removal to pay expenses and claim dock. If the dock is not claimed, the dock will be sold by the association. No private dock shall be erected or maintained except for the use and convenience of two (2) or more members of the LPPOA. It is the responsibility of the two (2) members sharing the same dock location to provide and maintain a dock in compliance with the association bylaws.
Dock Re-assignment
If a members boat is not paced on a dock by July 15th of the current year, a members dock may be re-assigned to another member in good standing. If your boat or dock cannot be placed by July 15th of the current year, you are required to contact the Dock Chairman or a board member and explain your circumstances. Please visit the Board Member link above for all contact information.
No docks, posts, etc., are allowed to be stored on the lakeshore
parkway from Spring to Fall, or any other time during the year.